I’m a Registered nurse by profession, with over 20 years of experience. Licensed to practice in the USA and Kenya. As a public health nurse, l volunteered and participated in the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Am a graduate of Lubbock Christian university with a bachelors degree in nursing. Prior to that Am alumni of Kenya medical training college in Nairobi Kenya where l worked in the capacity as nurse and nurse leader in various departments which include labor and delivery, community health. Am currently critical care nurse licensed and practicing in the state of Texas. I attended Ng’iya girls high school.
In my early years of nursing career, I became a firm believer in Sacco society savings and investment, previously member of Afya Sacco and later on Matibabu Sacco. Am addent member of KUDS, and grateful for the opportunity to serve in the board. I currently live in Lubbock Texas with my family.